Islam is to believe that this universe and what it contains has a Creator Who is Allah the One and the Unique. Allah does not have any partner and He deserves to be worshipped alone. Also, is to believe that Allah is fully aware of all creation and that He sees them and hears them. As well as to believe that He is over his throne above the heavens, One must leave off all worship directed to other than Allah. Also, Islam is to believe that Allah did not create mankind for amusement; rather He created them to worship him. And He will raise them once again on the day of judgement to take them to account of their actions of this life.

Islam is to believe that Allah has angels that are unlike humans. He created them from light, and appointed jobs for them. Among them is the angel Gabriel, whom Allah has placed in charge of delivering the revelations to the Prophets, and an angel to take the souls, and many more.
Islam is to believe that Allah has sent down books to the Prophets like the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms and the last being the Qur'an which He sent down to Muhammad Peasce be Upon him. All these books command to worship Allah alone with no partners. These books were faced with alternation due to the extensive length of time. This was done by the enemies of the religion who consume the money of the people by deception. Except the Qu'ran which was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad. It has been completely preserved within the chests of men, women, and children. Allah has made it a miracle for mankind and has taken it upon Himself to protect it from any kind of loss or alteration. Moreover, Allah has made the Qur'an dominate over the previous books. And it consists of various scientific facts which make the leading figures of modern science wetness its challenge.

Islam is to believe that Allah created Adam from clay, and that he is the first human which Allah entered into paradise. Adam down to the earth and made for him offspring to test them. After many years people went astray, and the devils misled them to worshipping idols. So Allah sent Messengers from mankind to convey the message of Allah to them. The Message was to worship Allah alone with no partners, to follow the Messengers and to leave off any sort of worship to other than Allah. From the Prophets are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the last of them, Muhammad, the seal of all Prophets. The muslim is not considered a true muslim unless he honors and belives in all Allah's Messangers.

Islam is to believe that everything which happens in this universe is from the decree of Allah, and that He has already written it before it takes place. Of course, a person is Commanded to do action he is responsible for all his/her deeds in this life and in the after-life. So, a person must work and should not argue Allah's decree. And this belive makes you satisfied.

Islam commands to have mercy, kindness, integrity, close family relations, honesty and all the other good characters and manners. And it forbids oppression, fornication, stealing, violence, cheating, killing the innocent, treachery, lying, deception, boasting, insulting and all the other immoral characteristics and manners. The mistakes which some Muslims make do not represent Islam, but they represent those who commit them.

Islam does not differentiate between black and white, nor between the rich and the poor, nor between Arab and non-Arab. Rather, Islam looks at the one who is more in piety, faith, and good deeds. This is the one who is closest to Allah.

Islam commands to be in constant repentance to Allah. Anyone who commits a sin, then regrets what he has done, afterwards intends never to return to it, and asks Allah for His forgiveness, Allah will forgive him. No one can come between him and his repentance to stop it from reaching Allah. Because this repentance between him and Allah, the One who sees him, hears him, and knows what is in his heart.

Islam commands to respect women and points out the importance of her rights concerning money spending, inheritance, and to treat her with kindness when living with her.

Islam encourages using any modern means that can assist and simplify the lives and livelihood of people (which stay within the restrictions of Islam).

Islam has plain simple rulings. Furthermore, for every act of worship there is evidence which a Muslim follows. Islam is not from the inspiration of a human; rather it is from Allah, and all of mankind must submit to it.

Islam fights against crimes and punishes those who commit them, so the people can feel safe for their lives and wealth. It has come to protect five important matters: The mind, the self, the offspring's, wealth, and religion.

Islam is to perform five daily prayers in its specified times according to the way Allah has ordered it to be done. These prayers strengthen the relationship of Muslim with Allah. 

Islam commands to give a little amount of money every year to the needy by those who have a certain amount of wealth. This is called Zakah, which is the purification of money and kindness towards the poor.

Islam orders to fast one month of the year. To perform this fast, one refrains from food and drink from dawn till sunset. This month is called Ramadan, which Allah has made as a reminder of the poor, a preserver of health, and as a test of a salve's obedience.

Islam commands for the Pilgrimage to be fulfilled once in a life-time for the one who is able to do it. The Pilgrimage consists of traveling to Makkah, and performing specific actions following the example of Abraham, and Muhammad. By this way,all the Prophets of Allah have performed Hajj.

Islam is to believe that the Prophet Muhammad was sent to all of mankind and his message is the same message of all the previous Prophets. Anyone who hears of him must believe in him and obey him. Allah does not accept a religion other than Islam.

Islam is to worship Allah according to the way that it was brought by the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. These ways of the Prophet have been recorded in authentic Hadith (prophetic traditions) which are reported by the scholars of Hadith, like Bukhari, Muslim, and others. Islam does not follow acts of innovations and falsehood that are unacceptable to neither one's mind nor religion.

Islam is a religion which frees the mind from superstition and from worshipping others than Allah. For instance, at the time in which Islam encourages visiting graves for taking admonition. However, it prevents circling round cemeteries or slaughtering animals there or praying to the dead and asking them to fulfill their demands.

Islam orders to put trust in Allah, then to take the necessary steps to obtain one's goal. And it forbids using amulets, consulting with magicians, fortune-tellers who consume the money of the people by deception.

In Islam there are two celebrations, Eid Al'Fitr, and Eid Al'Adha. Therefore, it does not agree with the other celebrations and innovative parties which have been invented by people today.

Islam commands to adhere to this religion by studying its rules. From the most important of them are the rulings of purification, prayer, Zakah, fasting, and Pilgrimage.

If you are convinced with Islam you only need to testify to the two statements, which are(ash-hadu alla ilaaha illa Allah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulu Allah) I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger. Then you become a Muslim. After that one must act in accordance to these two statements until he dies.Then he will have the privilege to enter paradise and be safe from the fire.

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